Wednesday 11 January 2012

Yikes, first blog!!

Ahh first post ! Nervous! K so this isn't my first blog but with a new year I wanted to start a new one. Sooo, I'm 21 this year hence the blog title and I wanted to just write down all my significant moments so that when I'm old and wrinkly and grey (which I hope will never happen) I can read it and remember it, a bit notebooky I know but if I ever get to the point where I don't remember my own name, my grandchildren can read me all my  young headed rambles :)  I'm a student, studying Childhood & Youth Studies at Edge Hill University. Music is my entire life, without it I could not survive a single day, I can't sing or dance, but I give it a good go when nobodies watching hoping to secretly be spotted by Mr Cowell. I'm basically writing this blog because I'm just a girl who  has too much to say for herself about life in general, and I guessed somebody out there would like to read it maybe. I love life, and I absolutely love to talk about things, stupid little things, so I guess this blog is going to be full of my rambles about things I've seen or heard and liked, not liked etc etc. Anyway, follow me if you like & my promise to you is to try and keep it interesting :D Lots of Laura love xoxoxox