Sunday, 12 February 2012

I've found the greatest love of all, inside of me

Wow, where do I even start? Firstly by saying Rest In Peace to one of the most inspirational beautiful creative women in my life. Whitney Houston has been part of my life for as long as I can remember, from dancing around the front room with my mum at the age of 5 poorly singing I Wanna Dance with Somebody, to sobbing at I will always love you the very first time I had my heartbroken at the age of 17. Nobody will ever come close to making the amazing music this Lady made, there will never ever be anybody like her. The world has been left shocked and heartbroken by the saddening news, but most of all her poor 18 year old Daughter Bobbi Kristina Brown, what a tender age to loose a parent, a mother especially. My thoughts go out to her and the rest of her Family. The voice of an Angel I believe everybody would agree, and through her music I'm sure Whitney will continue to inspire girls and women everywhere for a very long time just as she did me, my grandma and my mum. I have nothing but good words to say about this Lady because despite her problems and her troubles, she was only human, and her addiction was cast into the public eye only because she was so famous, we must not forget that everybody has problems and nobody is perfect, far from it. Not only did she create beautiful music, "The Bodyguard" is one of the greatest chick flicks of all times, never fails to make me cry its again such an inspirational film. She is definitely somebody who will be greatly missed and its a shame she had to leave the world so young. Rest In Peace Whitney Houston - True inspiration to many and a wonderful amazing artist. 

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